photo drop!

Back in February. Doing all he can to get the ball rolling.
(notice the pantry wall is still up)

While we waited, I got my son addicted to board games
(Let's Feed the Very Hungry Caterpillar is our favourite)
This woodpecker spent several weeks knocking on all the floor level windows of my parent's house.
I think he was trying to impress a mate.

Happy Easter!  can we go home now?
Sorry, nope.  But the wall is down!

I made some fun heel first socks.
Monkey getting ready for Canada Day.
Sorry, Bud, still not in our Guelph house.
This kid really loves his legwarmers.

Planting beans with Nonno.  We were good gardeners this summer.
We went on a big family vacation.
We took the train from TO to Montreal and then
 from Montreal to QC in economy class which was great.
This is a rainbow in Quebec City.
I love this city.  I want to go back now.
We went full out for a sleeper car on the way out to Nova Scotia.
It was also great and well worth it for the 18hr trip!
We rented a house in Chester, NS which was lovely.  This is not the house, it's the dock in town.
It gave us all a chance to bond and be adorable
Some of us went on a fishing trip.  Mackerel is delicious.

We went to Pier 21.  My mom came to Canada on this Ship.

4 trains, a taxi, various cars, a failed boat attempt, and a city bus,
but flying was apparently the best.
I upgraded some old curtains for the Monkey's big boy room.
Quilting is kind of fun, but I'm not very good at it.

Paint and floor tile!
This is where the wall and pantry used to be.  

We celebrated moving back to Guelph by driving back to Milton to get some birthday pumpkins.
Go figure.


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