
The astute of you will notice that this stocking
is for ENZO N
Let's just say I'm pretty excited.  I've been trying to get some kind of blog going for 5 years now, to no avail. But I feel like I'm finally in a good space to really give it a go.

My son was born nearly two years ago, and as some of you will know... it's a life altering experience.   It's only in the last few months that I've had the will and the drive and the time (or possibly the lack of extreme exhaustion) to get back to what I really love doing.

KNITTING!!!  And cooking yummy things... but I never had to put that one on the back burner so to speak.
Pun fully intended.

I was going through my stash and finding odds and ends of yarns that I knew I had knit something from... but couldn't for the life of me remember what.  And there were more than one of these types of encounters.  Shh.  Meeting and re-acquainting oneself with a ball of yarn is an encounter, OK?  The point is, I realised that my memory is actually more terrible than I thought it was, and I need to start documenting some of the things I've been working on.  Hence the keen desire to start a blog... and actually stick to writing it!  If not for the notoriety, then at least for posterity.  Thanks for reading!


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